Jihadist Jerry

That is Jerry with a 'J" If other peoples can kill in the name of God, why can't I?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pet Peeve of the Day...

Get you own book, or newspaper bitches. No read over my shoulder you cheap motha's!! Nothing worse than you nasty coffee and cheetos breath on back of my neck as I is travel throughout the city, yes!! Next time you is do this fat women or skinny queen, I is smash you face in with whatever I is read. Then I will laugh in you hideous face and you cry and my goats piss on you. You have been warned, yes!!!

Ewwww Cooties!!

I is love New York very much, except for the nasty disgusting people in it, yes!! People is wipe they snot on the poles in the subway, sneeze on your food at resturant, and literally pee and shit on street. Well, the homeless people do. Did I is mention that I is see a crazy old bat who smell like dead camel, literally pull down her pants on 3rd and Avenue B and she take big poop and pee on corner. Then she wipe with a dollar bill. She is laugh the whole time. The goats have not been the same since.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Senate = Hil-ar-ious!!

So, minimum wage will NOT be raised from $5.15 and hour to $7.20. Senate is say NO WAY!! Good for Senate, Jihadist Jerry is yell! Good for them. A good way to is keep Mexicans and illegals out of you country bountiful with milk and honey, is no give them reason to come here, yes? I mean, no won is go live on less than $200 a week ('member those taxes!) so why jump the border? Question is, who is now work at MickyDee's, WalMarts, or Nike?? Ohhhh, wait Nike MickyDee's and WalMarts already subsidizes in China or India so those rednecks or black peoples are out of luck, yes?

Hotel Enemy Combatant...

Hey Georgie Pie, your're the decider, so you make the decisions right?? So when you is tell all of Europe that you would like to close Guantanamo Bay, you can just do it, yes? You is the decide person, so just do it. You is the President of the supposed democratic nation in the world, so just go ahead and close it down. You don't have to WANT to close down, you just DO. But, Jihadist Jerry has figure you out. You close down Gitmo, then you have to close down all the other secret prisons that violate the Geneva Convention Rules of War in dealing with prisoners of war, yes? Oh who is care about those filthy little Arabs anyway, no?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pet Peeve Of The Day...

Why is it so hard for American peoples to pick up after they nasty dog?? If you is dumb enought to have a huge dog in New York, you have to take care of it, yes, so Jihadist Jerry no step in it with my fabulous Gucci loafer! I mean I have to clean up after the goats, so help me Allah, if I is see one more loser who is let dog poop on sidewalk, I is issue FATWA!! Last warn bitches!

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Jews Got It Right!

Whole Foods is stop sell live lobster at they stores. Horrraaayyyyy!! Nothing nastier to look at than those roaches of the sea. Yucky poo, how can anyone eat this little bottom feeders? I mean they eat dead things, and fish poo. Did you know when you throw these little bugs in hot water to cook for your nasty ass dinner, you can actually hear them scream? Swear to Allah, you can Google it, yes!!

Libre This Bitch....

Last night I want to see Inconvenient Truth, but The Wives, The Goats, and the 148 Children want see Nacho Libre. We toss a coin and I end up with nightmares of fat little fuckers in tight spandex. With bad imitation Mexican accents. Supposedly this trainwreck of movie was supposed to be funny, all Jihadist Jerry want to do is gouge out my eyes with a spork. Jack Black is no funny. Sorry, I no see what the big deal is all about.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Who's You Momma...

This freakish little girl lie to parents, get a passport, fly to Middle East, and almost marry 20 year old boy in Jordan. She tell parents that she is go to Canada with friends...so they is get her passport. Then the fucking parents blame the U.S. and airline authorities for let her leave the country, and the mother rant and rave about Jordanian authorities not detaining girl and ship her back, but instead they "encouraged" her to go back. Maybe they is do this because you momma and dadda are assholes and it no job for Jordanians to raise your daughter. If you were good parents, you would know where little Katherine Lester was at all times. I is spit in you face for your utter lack of responsibilites and your arrogance at blame others for your heathen child no feel they could confide and respect you. People should have to pass tests to have kids, no??

Better Than Tehran...

Hellloooo America peoples. I is sorry I no blog in few days, yes! I is fly to my new home in the New Yorks and I is still recoup from the plane ride from hell. Very, very not fun trying to fly over Tropical Storm Alberto. Ever drop 5000 feet in 2 seconds? Talk about the skid marks in the pants. Oy, no good pilot did shit landing too. We is sliding all over runway like a slug in a soap dish. I no like fly, too scary. Anywho, I is in Big Apple now, yes! I is also discover new snack! They is call "chicharones", and the is yummy. I find in this Spanglish bodega on corner. I no have clue what they is, but they is sure is crispy!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

That's Some Bull She-ot!

I is blame George Bush and Mary Cheney, and Pat Buchanan, and Jery Falwell, and Pat Robertson, and Fred Phelps, and those stupid kids for the beat down that Kevin Aviance recieved when leave gay bar. I blame you because you encourage the hate, the ignorance, the bigotry. This flamer should no have to worry about leave a gay bar in Chelsea. He is famous for crissake. Yet, that war monger, that hate spewer, the facist man and his minions allow and encourage this to happen. To bad Kevin no is white, people might care a bit more, yes? Kevin give Jihadist Jerry a call if you want to become a vigilant drag queen, cause I have some very pretty semi automatic you can borrow, yes! Get better you flamer. Your homonation need you back soon.

Are You Is Kidding With This Junk???

If Jihadist Jerry's flight is delay out of this shit hole city, he is gonna be one pissed off little (well, not LITTLE)jihadist. I cannot stay more that 48 more hours in Miami Beach, if I is do I might have to take my bottom lip, wrap it over head and industrial staple to my ass. Jesus Christ it is only a week and half into hurrican season and we is already get Tropical Storm Albert. I MUST leave. The goats MUST leave, and if my wives tell me one more time that THEY need to leave I will take a rocket propelled gernade to me own head!! I know I is say I live in Iran, but my vacation home is South Beach. Hell otherwise known as. There is no such thing as global warming! Riiiiight.

A Public Relations Nightmare...

Another dumb American bitch say this about the three suicided in Guantanamo...Colleen Graffy, a senior State Department official, dismissed the suicides as a “good PR move to draw attention” and “a tactic to further the jihadi cause”.

The camp commander described the men as dangerous extremists would go to any lengths to become martyrs. “They are smart, they are creative, they are committed,” Rear Admiral Harry Harris said. “This was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us.”

Little do the dumb fucks realize the committing suicide is sin in Muslim faith. What? You is wondering! What about all those suicide bombers in Palestine, or Iraq, or Afganistan?? Well, those fools were tricked into believing that they were doing Allah's (God's) bidding and therefore to take your own life along with the infedels will be rewarded by 40 virgins and eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, apparently in my faith, somewhere someone say that Allah allow the killing in his name. However, killing yourself out of desparation is not excused. Eternity in hell. Period. I would say...let those weak fuckers rot, however Jihadist Jerry is begin to wonder who fault it is for locking up anyone they feel is a terrorist, no trial, no lawyer, no chance of see family again. Years of phsycological terror, locked in cages. What would you do. Listen here Miss Gaffey. This was move by terrified persons, who saw no way out. This was no PR Stunt you dirty cunt. They had to die. No for any other reason but to escape they oppressor. They felt the only way to gain control is to take the one thing you wanted to take first. You think that Bin Laden, as he is going through the kidney dialysis machine cares about a Yemeni and 2 Saudi's? You is stupid bitch, they were desperate and the only way out was death.

Damned Filthy Animals!!

Damn you MEXICO!!!! How is dare you beat IRAN in first game? I is now understand why America hate you so much, and want to keep you out! I is agree with President Bush, you is bad, bad, bad!! I is no like, yes! Jihadist Jerry, the Wives, the goats, and the 148 children (I is verile, yes!) curse you dirty Mexican asses! 3-1 victory is nothing...we come back for sure, yes!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Control! Miss Jackson, If You Nasty...

American UN Ambassador John Bolton is a dumb bumbling fool. Periods. He is help make America be something to be feared, yes! He is mad at The Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch Brown for say that middle America no understand the importance or function of the UN, and that Washion D.C. never defends that importance. Well, when so many people get they news from FOX News or that fat fucker Rush Limbaugh, who can blame him, yes?? Well, Mr. Bolton super mad. He look like a little Elmer Fudd with a bad toupe run around saying what Mr. Brown "...made a grave mistake" and wants to cut ALL of the funding the U.S. give to UN. That is like 22% and some junk. Well, go up to some overweight, diabetes having, Krespe Kreme munching, beer guzzlin', loser from lets say...Okeefanokee Wisconsin and ask them what the UN does. Then see that the shoe fits. Molton is create one big mess out of the truth. He is want the U.S. to scare UN with money, and gain more control.

Did you know Mr. Bolton help big time with the recount of ballots in Florida in 2000? Now he is Ambassador. Hmmmmmm, can we say...sold his soul to the devil?? He should have ask for a natural hair toupe, cause synthetic is look terrible on camera.

Investigation Launches...

This post is for Adams person from The Krebs Cycle. You team is lucky bitch. I is get information from very good source in Dallas that there was much cheaters on Maverick team. My squad of assasin is investigating thoroughly and will destroy the suppressors. Miami Heat is number one, you no forget this Mister Bench Press 95 LBS. on Each Arm person. Yes, yes, we is know you is like some kind of gay superhero, but you team still sucks and Jihadist Jerry, his wives, the goats, and the 148 children are cursing them as I type. Down with the Mavs, buncha girls.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I Is On A Roll Here...

Speaking of bloody tapon rags, this evil bitch should be beaten down and flogged in the streets like the flea infested mongrel that she is. TRAITOR, TRAITOR!! You pussy is smell, and you is look like you father Mary Cheney, yes!! Where was you on the whole F.M.A. thing in America? Getting you rotten pussy sandblasted by you even uglier whore of a domestic parnter?? Oh wait we no can call you this cause you can no register as domestice partner, or be civil unionized, or wed cause no one like you and you father "best friend forever" wants people like you dead. Rosie O'Donnel must HATE you.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Another Evil Bitch...

HAHAAAA, Katherine Harris is another example of digraceful scum sucking pig, who sell her evil little rat-like soul to devil. This devil being George Bushwhacker person,yes! See, she give him Florida in 2000, because his fat lard ass brother no can do, and she hope and pray one day when she try to run for governess of Florida or Senate in 2006, the Bush bitches and Karl Rove support her little black evil scum sucking heart. However, since Bush bitches and Rove are more evil than her they laugh in her little plastic surgery fake bat-like face. Gov. Jeb Bushwhacker say this..."I just don't believe she can win"

So, in first picture shit for brains is on left surrounded by bigots that are upset that the F.M.A. is no pass in Senate. She wants to be senaturd sooooo bad, that she will go to anyone she is think will get it for her. Since her sluglike mentality is no working for her, Jihadist Jerry wake her up. You cannot win you stupid sow. No one is like you. You is evil bitch, yes! HAHAHA, Jihadist Jerry have good word for you Katherine Harris...karma. Look it up!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

In You Face Douche Bag....

My friend "Little John" has weird issue with his food no touch each other. He is also crazier than a three armed baby in leper colony. But, he is tell me that Grand Ayatollah Ali Al Sistani recently lift the FATWAH! on gay peoples in Iraq. SOooo, since that crazy Little John is so crazy I is need to verify this through my many sources. And yes! He is lift fatwa!! No more kill of gay people in Iraq. Al Sistani say he no want to be like President Bush. He say, he no want to follow America example in the hatred. He also say to Evangelical Christian to stay out of Iraq. Never come again. Babylon is no place for Christians, who believe in Rapture and all non-Christians will perish in fire and brimstone, yes! No expect a month of pride kick off celebration, but hey...not bad for a bunch of camel jockeys, no??

Monday, June 05, 2006

He Hates You...

In Kiev (which is Russia) a man lowered his self into the lion enclosure at zoo, screamed "God will save me if he exists" and proceeded to have his throat ripped out by a lioness. HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHA. This is hil-ar-ious. Stupid blind faith is ok because eventually it is weed out the stupid blind people. Allah have great sense of humor, yes!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Interesting Wedding Nite...

I is thought it was the homosexual who will begin marry their pets, no? Bimbala Das marry a King Cobra yesterday in India where 2000 people attend. That is alot of curry, yes? She say she began feed it milk one day and then she became no sick anymore. Then she fall in love. I think snake is slimey and creepy. With those yucky forked tongue. Ewww. Breast feeding they children will be interesting.

Uncle Tom...

Jihadist Jerry hate this bitch, yes! She is scum sucking pig, yes! I is hope my wives curses work on her and her vagina become rot and her nipples become inverted and hairy. My 148 children (Jerry is very verile, yes!) play game with her picture. Is called 'Pin The Tail on the White House Negro'. Such a disgrace this woman, who is smart and talent. How dare you dismiss what Iran has to say. If we feel threatened then we stop oil production. Period. You boss man, is try and take away rights of 10% of American people. Maybe next time he whip you for spilling the tea, you begin to understand you is disgrace and embarassment to you people, and America, yes!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Wiping Their Asses on It...

In case you is no notice yet, America is gear up for mid-term elections. So issues is coming out there for people in America to run with. One is the writing of discrimination into the constitution. Mr. Bush wants to put amendment in constitution that begins taking the rights away from some wonderful humans. People like my boss, Joshua. Or people like Madge Weistein, Wanda Wisdom, PuffyBlubberCunt, MikeyPod, Willing Warrior, PNS Explosion Boys, Adam from Kreb Cycle, Darin from APNH, JayT, Lady Bunny, CoCo Peru, Melissa Etherige, Ellen Degeneres, Persian Guy, Kalvin, Bruce, Eric, Roddrick, the old lesbian couple down street, the tranny hooker on the corner, the bisexual emo boy who can't pick one cause he love both. Take you pick. Yet, why is no protest like immigrants? Why is you no cry with rage?! I may be Jihadist, but I is understand there is good people who need to be looked after. Are you just too beaten down? The world is begining to pity America, yes! You is no longer country to look up to, too aspire to. You county is feared. And you wallow in this fear. Jihadist Jerry, The Wives, The Goats & the 148 Children pity you, yes.

Please take listen to these most recent podcast from some people begining to realize there needs to be fight:

www.willingwarrior.com (My boss and his friend Brad talk good)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Disgusting Weak People...

At the hospital today, Jihadist Jerry go out and get breath of fresh air. I is walk into a group of people smoking outside. I is see three ridculously obese people who is eat McDonalds, and Doritos AND smoking, yes!! And if you is must know, yes this disgusting excuses for humans are also drinking DIET Coke in can.

I is also see a man similar to this person. He have half of face missing, and collapes vein in arm smoking out of the other side of his face. Yes, I swear to Allah! Allah curse him for his stupidity for smoke, give him a tumor or cancer, and just like the American way he damn all the advise of doctor, and family and continue to puff away. I is think I should just shoot them all right now!! Don't EVEN get me started with woman who is smoking with her little girl playing, obviously just starting chemo. Poor little girl, I will give her knife myself if she just ask.

Good For Her...

She is cute. She is cuddly. She is make 13 million a year to is read off a fucking teleprompter, yes!! Is you kidding Jihadist Jerry?? She is no REAL reporter. I no hear of good breaking stories that change the world. No hard hit questions to President Bush, or Dafur, or Iran, or goddamned fact that over half American children have no health care. You stoopid bitch who is cry and cry about leave NBC to go to CBS, the station the Edward R. Murrow basically created. You is American do gooder who package up news in pretty little segment so people in suburb can go on knowing the world is no end yet, because you read it to them! I HATE you, Fatwa! on you, yes!! My goats piss on you and my wives and children curse you.