Jihadist Jerry

That is Jerry with a 'J" If other peoples can kill in the name of God, why can't I?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Christie Brinkley = Goldiging Whore, yes! So much for value of institution of the marriage right?? I is seriously doubt that anyone should critisize the homo people for try and get equal marriage right when this skank is break up with hubby number 4!! Or how about Jenny Lopez, or Britney? How about Anna Nicole Smith, yes?! These people scoff at the sanctity of marriage and yet in Massachusettes nasty Christian Bible thumper want to take marriage away from the gays. Funny, neither Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, or MASSACHUSETTES has fall of the Earth because of this actions. Is there a God??


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Adam said...

There is no god, only zuul!

At 5:59 PM, Blogger straightchris said...

Christine if you reading dis than read it good!
Me na go down inna no smelly pussy-hole seen, tek you broke up saggy ol’ punnany an geeit to some crackhead pun frontline oo don’t know no better seen. Me know whore long time seen, some a dem have a heart a gol’, but, you is a ignant greedy ol’ whore too dumb to waste pixels on! So, nyam shit and have a nice day.


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